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Breville Bread Maker Problems and Troubleshooting

Breville Bread Maker Problems and Troubleshooting

Breville Bread Maker Problems and Troubleshooting

Bread Maker IngredientsProblem

Can other bread recipes be made in this machine?

Results may vary when using other recipes as the recipes in this booklet are sized so that the dough is kneaded properly and the finished bread does not exceed the bread pan capacity. Use only recipes with similar quantities of ingredients. As a general guide, a minimum 2 cups and maximum 4.5 cups of total dry ingredients is recommended on the bread settings. On the jam setting, as a general guide, a maximum 3 cups of fruit should be used.

Can powdered products be used in place of fresh products and visa-versa?

• Yes, egg powders, dried buttermilk or dry milk can be used. These products allow you to use the Delay Start feature, however always ensure to add the water to the bread pan first, then add the dried substitution after the flour to keep them separate.

• Similarly, fresh milk and eggs can be substituted for dry milk and egg powders, but the baked bread will have a heavier texture. If you still choose to use fresh milk, ensure to decrease the same measurement of liquid to equal the fresh milk and omit the milk powder. Do not use the Delay Start feature with perishable ingredients.

Can butter or margarine be used in place of oil?

Yes, but the bread crumb may appear a more creamy, yellow color.

Can other sweetening agents be used in place of sugar?

Yes, honey, golden syrup or brown sugar can be used. When substituting honey or similar sweet liquids for sugar, ensure to decrease the same measurement of liquid to equal the liquid sugar substitute. We do not recommend powdered or liquid artificial sweeteners.

Can salt be omitted?

Salt plays a very important part in bread making. Omitting it will decrease water retention in the dough, as well as affect mixing, the strength of the gluten development and the fermentation of the yeast. In the finished bread, salt improves the loaf shape, crumb structure and crust color, as well as extending shelf life and enhancing flavor.

Can I use home-ground or home-milled flour?

Depending on the coarseness of the flour, results may not be satisfactory. For best results, we recommend using a blend of bread flour and home-milled flour. Ensure not to grind the flour too coarse as it may damage the bread pan coating.

Why do the ingredients need to be placed in the bread pan in the specified order?

To ensure all dry ingredients are mixed with the water and to avoid the yeast activating prematurely with the water, salt or sugar when using the Delay Start feature.

Bread Maker Temperatures Problems

Are the room and water temperatures important?

Yes – room and water temperature influences yeast activity and therefore can affect the quality of the bread. The average room temperature is approximately 68°F-77°F (20°C-25°C). Dry ingredients should be at room temperature and liquids at 80°F (27°C) unless stated otherwise. Never use hot water as it will kill the yeast.

Why is the ‘bake’ temperature range so low?

Due to the small, enclosed baking chamber and close proximity of the heating element, the baking temperatures are lower than a wall oven but hot enough to bake the bread efficiently and evenly. Our testing has shown that breads usually baked in a wall oven at 357°F (190°C) can be successfully baked in the bread maker at 300°F (150°C). When using or developing your own recipes, we recommend using the oven’s preset recommended baking temperature as a guide before adjusting the temperature and/or ‘bake’ time to produce the desired results.

Bread Maker Baking Bread Problems

A power outage has occurred. What can I do?

If the power is accidentally turned off for 60 minutes or less during operation, the Power Failure Protection will automatically resume the cycle where it was interrupted, when power is restored.

If the CANCEL button was accidentally pressed during the ‘knead’ phase, what can I do?

Reselect the bread setting and allow dough to re-knead and continue through the rising and baking process. The result may be a loaf higher in volume and lighter in texture.

If the CANCEL button was accidentally pressed during the ‘rise’ phase, what can I do?

Turn the bread maker off. Leave the dough inside the baking chamber with the lid closed. Allow the dough to rise until almost near the top of the pan. Turn the bread maker on. Select the BAKE ONLY setting, set the required baking temperature and time then press the START | PAUSE button to activate the cycle.

If the CANCEL button was accidentally pressed during the ‘bake’ phase, what can I do?

Select the BAKE ONLY setting, set the required baking temperature and time then press the START | PAUSE button to activate the cycle.

Why did the bread not rise?

There may be several reasons. Check the protein level of the flour, we recommend flours with at least 11-12% protein. The yeast may have failed to activate so check the ‘Best Before Date’ of the yeast, the yeast measurements and the temperature of the liquids (80°F/27°C) and dry ingredients (68°F-77°F/20°C-25°C).

Why do large holes appear inside the bread?

Occasionally air bubbles will concentrate at a certain location during the last ‘rise’ phase and will bake in this state. This could be caused by too much water and/or yeast or insufficient flour. Check the recipe ingredients and method of weighing/measuring.

Why does the top of the bread collapse?

Usually this is because the ingredients are not in balance or low protein flour is used. Check the method of weighing/measuring the ingredients. Too much yeast, water or other liquid ingredients, or insufficient flour, may cause the bread to be pale on top and collapse while baking.

Why does the bread sometimes vary in height and shape?

Bread is sensitive to its environment so can be affected by altitude, humidity, weather, room temperature, length of the Delay Start timer and fluctuations in household current. The bread shape can also be affected if stale ingredients are used or are incorrectly measured.

Why is my whole wheat loaf shorter than my regular white loaf?

Whole wheat flours and some specialty grains do not rise as well as bread flour. The result will be a shorter and smaller loaf.

Why does bread color differ?

Ingredients and their properties can cause the loaf to brown differently. Try changing the crust color or modifying the baking temperature and/or time. Also, the crust may have darkened during the ‘keep warm’ phase. We recommend removing the bread before the ‘keep warm’ phase begins.

Why does bread sometimes have a strange odor?

Too much yeast or stale ingredients, particularly flour and water, can cause odors. Always use fresh ingredients and accurate measurements.

Why does flour sometimes stick to the side of the bread?

During the ‘knead’ phase small amounts of flour may sometimes stick to the sides of the bread pan and bake onto the sides of the loaf. Scrape the floured portion from the outer crust with a sharp knife. The next time you try the recipe, if necessary, during the ‘knead 2’ phase use a rubber spatula to fold in any unmixed flour from around the edges of the bread pan. This is especially important on the GLUTEN FREE and YEAST FREE settings. You may want to spray the bottom and halfway up the sides of the bread pan with cooking oil before adding ingredients for your yeast free breads, and use a rubber spatula to loosen the loaf before turning out.

Why does the paddle come out with the bread?

This can happen as the paddle is detachable. Use a non-metal utensil to remove it from the baked loaf before slicing. Use caution as the paddle will be hot. Alternatively, you can remove the paddle before the start of the ‘bake’ phase.

Why is there smoke coming out of the bread maker?

• It is normal that the bread maker emit a fine smoke during first use as it burns off the protective substances on the heating element. It is also normal that steam emit from the steam vents.

• However, smoke can also be caused by spilt ingredients on the outside of the bread pan and inside the baking chamber. Without turning off the bread maker, remove the plug from the power outlet. With a soft damp cloth (non-metallic, non-abrasive), clean then thoroughly dry the outside of the bread pan, baking chamber and heating element, using caution as they will be hot. Reinsert the power plug. The Power Failure Protection will automatically resume the cycle where it was interrupted.

Bread Maker Delay Start Problems

Why can’t the Delay Start feature be set past 13 hours?

The ingredients may deteriorate in quality or ferment if they are left inside the bread pan for many hours. This is especially the case during summer, when the Delay Start feature should be set to a shorter period of time.

Why can’t some ingredients be used with the Delay Start feature?

Most protein foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, bacon, etc., are perishable and will deteriorate if left unrefrigerated for more than one hour.

Bread Maker Fruit And Nut Dispenser Problems

The base of the Fruit and Nut Dispenser is open.

Lift open the lid of the main stainless steel housing. The base of the dispenser can be identified by the row of steam vents. Push in the base until it clicks into place.

Bread Maker Altitude & Weather Conditions Problems

I live in a high altitude area, are there any adjustments I should make?

• In high altitude areas, over 3000 feet (900m):

• Dough tends to rise faster as there is less air pressure. Reduce yeast by ¼ teaspoon. If the dough still rises too high, reduce yeast by another ¼ teaspoon the next time you try the recipe. You could also try adding a little more salt and a little less sugar to retard the yeast action and promote slower, more even rising.

• Flour is drier at higher altitudes and will absorb more liquid. Use less flour or more liquid and pay attention to the dough consistency.

• For further information, try contacting the State Extension Service of a “high altitude” state.

I live in a dry or humid climate, are there any adjustments I should make?

• In dry climates, flour is drier and will absorb more liquid. Use less flour or more liquid and pay attention to the dough consistency.

• In humid climates, reduce yeast by ¼ teaspoon to avoid over rising of the dough. If the dough still rises too high, reduce yeast by another ¼ teaspoon the next time you try the recipe.

Bread Maker Error Code

‘Preheat’ Phase

There is no movement in the bread pan during the ‘preheat’ phase. This phase occurs on the WHOLE WHEAT, WHOLE WHEAT RAPID and JAM settings.

LCD displays ---H or -H:

The baking chamber is too warm and will not operate until it cools down. Lift open the lid, remove the bread pan and allow sufficient time to cool. Once cooled, the LCD screen will return to the main menu. Press the START | PAUSE button to activate the cycle.

LCD displays --L

The bread maker is too cold and will not operate until it heats up. Place in a warmer environment, recommended room temperature is 77°F (25°C). Once warm enough, the LCD screen will return to the main menu. Press the START | PAUSE button to activate the cycle.

Lid was open during baking

It is not recommended to lift the lid during operation unless stated in the recipe; to check the consistency of the dough; or to glaze and add seeds to the top of the loaf.

‘Keep Warm’ phase

The bread was left in the baking chamber during the ‘keep warm’ phase. Remove the bread pan before the ‘keep warm’ phase, then remove the bread and allow to cool on a wire rack.

Bread sliced just after baking

Steam was not allowed to escape from the baked loaf. Bread slices best when allowed to cool for a minimum 20 minutes.

Published: Saturday, April 18, 2020 Viewed view icon 165 times.

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EnigmaFlame (4/4/2024 5:35:05 AM):
I am content with the explanation😁.. I found the article to be informative and enjoyable 😏😅
SolarSpecter (3/15/2024 3:47:39 AM):
very nice🐤.. I am content with the explanation😏 🦊 The explanation was clear and satisfying
ScarletEnchantress (3/15/2024 3:47:38 AM):
I thought the article was very interesting 😗💚.. Explanation was thorough and satisfactory✍ 💎 🌺 🐾 👐 ✍ 🙂
EnigmaFlame (3/3/2024 5:38:51 PM):
Outstanding 🍇🧐
ShadowVoyager (2/27/2024 12:55:58 PM):
Persuasive 😊😁.. Satisfied with information provided😜 🧐 ✔🙂😸
ShadowVoyager (2/19/2024 8:49:17 AM):
Remarkable 🌎🐵.. it was very helpful💦 🐵 The community is so helpful and knowledgeable. 😏
NeonShadow (2/16/2024 7:05:34 PM):
Info helpful✋
MysticNomad (2/11/2024 3:30:59 AM):
Well-written 🌴🙂.. Explanation met expectations🤝 😃 nice..! :)
MirageRider (2/6/2024 1:00:41 AM):
Engrossing 😌🏽
ShadowPhoenix (2/3/2024 12:46:44 AM):
Legendary🤚.. I am satisfied with the knowledge given🐻
MysticEnchantress (1/31/2024 10:54:40 PM):
Hayden Green (1/16/2024 8:25:37 PM):
Amazing!😊.. Impressed with detail, informative😜 😊 Impressed with level of detail
Rockstar (12/24/2023 9:41:33 AM):
I thought the article was very interesting 😗🐴
casey2008SC (12/21/2023 7:46:58 PM):
Explanation was comprehensive and satisfactory😃.. I am impressed with the level of detail in the provided👋 🙂 Thought-provoking 😇
MysticUnicorn_23 (12/14/2023 6:02:11 AM):
The article was well-researched and well-written 🍉🐈
Kameron (12/10/2023 8:44:46 AM):
Satisfied with information provided👌.. Impressive 👍💥
Hayden Turner (12/6/2023 12:28:02 AM):
I appreciated the insights in the article ✌👀
Jordan Perry (11/29/2023 2:33:22 AM):
Fantastic 🚕😗
Cameron Nelson (11/20/2023 1:16:27 AM):
Well-composed 🍅💦.. Convincing 🍀🤓 💦 Sparked interest 😎 😌
Cameron Mitchell (11/14/2023 6:34:33 PM):
The article was a pleasure to read 🌏🐦
Riley Bennett (11/8/2023 9:39:36 AM):
Satisfied with information provided👄.. Explanation exceeded my expectations🐻 👄 good! :)
Skylar Mitchell (11/1/2023 1:14:36 PM):
Amazing!🤛.. Highly readable 😉🐊 🤛 The article was thought-provoking and sparked my interest 🌻
Peanut (7/20/2023 4:33:24 PM):
I found the article to be enjoyable 🍄🖖.. Explanation was clear and concise🐦
Hopeton (6/22/2023 5:32:26 AM):
Explanation was clear and concise🙂.. Clear and easy to understand🤝 🙂 Well-written and educational 👍
sebastian_2008 (6/16/2023 6:08:05 PM):
Well-organized 😎😁 👄 😎.. Unforgettable ✌😁 👄

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