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What is the sequence to reset my GE washing machine?

What is the sequence to reset my GE washing machine? To reset washing machines that use the GE Hydrowave system, start by unplugging the washer for one minute. Plug the washing machine back in and then within 30 seconds, quickly open and close the lid six times. You'll need to do this within a 12-se

Subject: GE - Sub Subject: Washing Machine
Date: 6/23/2019 Status: SOLVED
5 answered / 3 voted, viewed icon 203 viewed.
Solved - The best Reply Askme - Sunday, June 23, 2019 295
Reasons You Might Need to Reset a GE Washer
The source of your washing machine woes and the method for resetting will vary depending on your model of washer. For example, GE Hydrowave washer problems stem from issues with the motor, generally. Washing machines that use the Hydrowave system do not have a transmission, so the motor plays a more key component in these models. The motor may need to be reset if there is a power spike, a load that is unbalanced or a disruption in power. For other models of GE washing machines, a pause in a cycle will cause the electronic controls to lock up. The pause can happen for several reasons, including a power failure or if the stop/pause button was pressed to pause the cycle and not reset. Whatever the model, if your machine is stuck in a cycle, try to reset the GE washer first.
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❝What is the sequence to reset my GE washing machine?❞ answers. Askme asked first. Total 5 replies.

Askme - Sunday, June 23, 2019 320
How to Reset a GE Hydrowave Washer
To reset washing machines that use the GE Hydrowave system, start by unplugging the washer for one minute. Plug the washing machine back in and then within 30 seconds, quickly open and close the lid six times. You'll need to do this within a 12-second period. Raise the lid at least 2 inches and make sure it closes each time. This should complete the motor reset. To test that it is successful, run a cycle without laundry. If the washer fills and begins to run normally, you can put laundry in and complete the cycle. If the washer does not start to run normally or if you have the same problem within a few loads, you will need to call in a professional.
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Askme - Sunday, June 23, 2019 307
How to Reset Other GE Washing Machines
For other GE washing machine models, you will also start by unplugging or shut off power to the washer for 30 seconds. Next, turn the timer knob around once and into any setting other than final spin. Ensure the water is on and turn the power back on, which should solve the issue. If you are still having issues, you'll need to have the machine serviced.
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Skylar Taylor - Monday, November 13, 2023 186

From Pasadena, CA?

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Morgan King - Thursday, December 21, 2023 169
Well-researched and informative 👍💚

🔥 Fort Lauderdale, FL?

.. You know this job 😏🏼
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